Winston Churchill once said: #Attitude is a little thing, that makes a big difference. How often do people work hard, producing mediocre results, because their attitude isn’t right? How often do people give up on their goals and on their...
In today’s world, news from all over the earth are accessible at a click of a mouse. As soon, as something happens somewhere on this planet, someone will report about it and the news will spread around the world. Isn’t it an exciting...
The world we are living in is full of contradictions. There is this constant tension of positivity and negativity, that surrounds us. Everything and everyone is being attracted in one direction or the other. We are free to decide to move towards...
Many people complain about their daily activities. Those complaints are a result of dis-satisfaction, which leads to unhappiness. It is caused by a negative mindset. They drag themselves to their dayjobs or to do household chores. They feel bad...